Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Kingdom Move

Well, we’re here!  I arrived Wednesday and Jeff arrived late Thursday.  Two U-Hauls later, we’ve arrived with everything but a shoe rack and the covers for the microwave.

A month ago we did not know we were moving, had no desire or plans to relocate, and were very content with our lives in Abilene.  What a whirlwind of activity there has been the last month to allow us to rent out our Abilene house and then pack up and move 5 hours away.

As I reflect over the past month, I’m filled with gratitude and in complete awe at what has occurred.  We have three energetic little girls, and we managed to have final play dates, throw a birthday party, move and still be cordial to one another (for the most part).  If I’m honest with myself, I can’t take credit for the somewhat well-executed move.  You know how there are times when you look back at the events of the past days/weeks/months and have a suspicion that God had a hand in it all?

On July 5, Jeff’s dad offered the farm to us.
On July 8, Jeff asked for and received permission to work remotely.
On July 10, we listed the house for rent, had it cleaned, took pictures for the listing, fielded a phone call about the house, showed it 15 minutes later, and had a verbal agreement to rent it (to people we really like).  The very nice military couple with three children was living in a hotel and they were desperate to move in asap.  We agreed to be out by August 1.

It took us five days to make a decision to move, and it wasn’t even nerve-wracking.  It felt more like a no-brainer, and we have felt an overwhelming peace about the decision.  Is it God’s will?  I won’t presume to know his will - especially about details such as these.  But everything fell together incredibly well, and as we look at the issue from all perspectives, it really does seem to be a win-win situation for everyone involved.

So, the execution of the move...  Why do I live such a blessed life?  The family of God once again came together to make something happen in our lives that we were completely incapable of.  Is it Kingdom work to move the Wilhites?  It sort of appeared that way, because the Kingdom came together to do it.  

What did I do?  I packed a bit and parented a bit and met with friends for last visits.

What did the Kingdom do?  They babysat, provided meals, packed, brought boxes, shopped, lifted, ran errands, had meetings on our behalf, encouraged, offered advice, and prayed.  I want to name names because of a few of you went above and beyond the call of duty, but you know who you are.  :)

Even paid service people (cleaning ladies, exterminators, fence repairmen) adjusted their schedules to accommodate our quick move.

I wonder what the Lord has up his sleeve?  Will I ever know?  It occurs to me that if he does use us for his glory in Mt. Pleasant, I may never know - and that should be okay, because it’s his Kingdom.  And he may use our absence from Abilene for his glory - and that’s okay, because it’s his Kingdom.

I want to walk in such a way that I follow him without the prerequisite of knowing how he’s using me.  Walking by faith.

Here we are, Lord. Use us amidst the boxes and in the lonely places and in the adventure - and all for the sake of your Kingdom.  Through Christ our Lord, amen.

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